The Placement Team at IIT-M is one of the best in the country. They invite a number of companies every year for placements. This time, to provide more info about the company, the Placement Team asked the companies how they got their names. Here are the reasons given by some companies:
Future's First: Well, we want to be first in our area atleast in the future.
TCS: Do you have a TC from a college? We say yes to a job.
Sclumberger: We started off selling burgers in slums.
Bosch: Wasn't it obvious? We want even our title to sound bossy.
Capital IQ: It was just IQ earlier. But once, a person wrote iq. I said capital IQ and from then the name became capital IQ
BCG: After consulting McKinsey, we zeroed in on this name. Really, McKinsey rocks.
Deutsche: Our ironical way of saying whoever invests in our bank is a douche.
EATON: You see once we close our company people can still call us ATON(ateon?). That way we will always be remembered.(worst of all,huh?)
ITC: After hearing many junta attending our gruelling placement process(after which we take only 2 or 3 people) saying I Totally Cupped, we decided to put this name.
L&T: We like the two alphabets a lot. Please dont ask why(read, I lost creativity)
Morgan Stanley: Well, our favorite actor is Morgan Freeman and favorite director is Stanley Kubrick.
INTEL: We saw that name on many computer motherboards and thought our name will attract students.
Verity: Variety name, isn't it? Thats what we want.
Goldman Sachs: We want gold. We want men. We want truth(sach). hence the name.( I know, lamest of all)
Reflexis: We have a strong reflex action to a market stimulus.