November 9, 2011

The Simoqin Prophecies

The Simoqin Prophecies (GameWorld Trilogy, #1)The Simoqin Prophecies by Samit Basu

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Never thought an Indian writer could write such a detailed fantasy book. A very good book with so many creatures and a decent story that you will never get bored. The first few chapters were a difficult to pass with so many characters getting introduced but after 60-100 pages, the book is un-putdownable.

Also the ending was a very good surprise. I am not sure how the lead characters are going to become in the second book. ****spoiler this line***** It looked like Heroes are going to become villians in the next book but need to read it to know! I already ordered the second part on flipkart.

I also enjoyed the gentle poking at traditional fantasy tales.
I highly recommend it to all readers who like fantasy tales but it is 500 pages long and only the first book of a trilogy!

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